We LOVE APPLES at Wood Orchard Market!!!!!
Not only because they taste so good, but they're good for you too! As the old saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Have your ever wondered why?
Well one reason is because apples contain nutrients that promote healthy bones. Flavonoids called phloridzin are only found in apples and help to protect against osteoporosis and increase bone density. Apples also contain boron which helps to strengthen your bones.
Do you have asthma?
If so, you should be drinking more apple juice. Studies have shown that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who had apple juice once a month.
Mothers who ate higher quantities of apples while they were pregnant, had children with lower rates of asthma.
Not only do apples help with asthma but reducing the risk of LUNG CANCER.
According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50% lower risk of developing long cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of naringin and favonoids quercetin in apples.
Apples also help with weight loss!
Women who eat at least three apples a day tend to loose more weight while dieting than women who don't.
Don't forget to eat the skin of the apple because that is were most of the nutrients are found.
Now that you know all of the nutrition facts, its time for some fun apple facts!
The average apple tree can produce up to 20 bushels of apples. (42 lbs=1 bushel)
The Worlds largest apple weighted 3 pounds, WOW!
Apples were originated in Western Asian but are now one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits in the WORLD!!!
The Crabapple is the only Native apple to the United States.
last but the most fascinating,
Apples are part of the rose family!
Not that you know a little more about apples don't forget to stop at the Market or The Apple Store to pick up your bag of apples. We still have SweeTango® Apples but supply is limited. Our Honeycrisp
season has just started. Macs and Cortlands are still here as well.

Don't forget the weekend of October 12th is Pumpkin Patch in Egg Harbor. The following weekend, October 18-20th, is Fall Fest in Sister Bay.
Hope to see you soon and enjoy an apple today!