Friday, November 22, 2013

How to Make Your Own Garland!

Don't you love the smell of Christmas? We do too, at Wood Orchard! We found an inexpensive way  to decorate and have that joyful smell! WE MADE OUR OWN GARLAND! It was so easy to make and it was a wonderful bonding experience. With that being said we wanted to share with you how we made our Garland.
You will need- 
-Wire wrapped in jute ( we used green) 
-22 to 26 gauge floral wire
-Assorted Branches (the more variety the better)

Step 1: Measure how long you will want your Garland to be. We suggest doing this first because it gets really heavy once all of the branches are attached. 

Step 2: Cut the Wire wrapped in jute. 

Step 3: Go outside and gather all of the branches you like. We used juniper, dogwood, spruce, pine and cedar. - We put them on a sheet to catch all of the needles and keep the tree sap from getting all over the place. 

Step 4: Cut 6-12in. sections from each type of branch and put them into piles. (That way it is easier to make the bundles) 

Step 5: Take one piece of each smaller cut branch and put it into a bundle. 

Step 6: Now you can start attaching the branch bundles to the wire covered in jute with the floral wire. You need to wrap the floral wire around the start of the jute covered wire a few times, then you can attach the bundles. It works easiest if you wrap the bundles at their base and wrap the wire a bunch of times to make sure it is secure. You keep doing this until you get to your end. 

Step 7: Now that you have gotten to the end of your garland string, have your last bundle face the opposite direction of your other bundles. This way your garland doesn't suddenly end and if you want to hang it on your mantle it looks nice. 

Now that you have finished your Garland, go hang it or drap it wherever you would like. We put ours outside. However, if you are keeping yours inside don't be afraid to spritz it every once and awhile. Someone told us they spritz their garland every time they water their christmas tree.

We hope you enjoy making garland and had as much fun as we did! WE loved making the Market smell like Christmas.

Don't forget we are open Friday through Monday until December 1st. If you can't make it up to visit us you can always order from us online or by phone 763-868-2334.


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